Season Leaderboards
A new Seasonal Leaderboard for Players to compete upon and earn rewards accompanies each Season. While Players are always rewarded for their strategic acumen, these Leaderboards aim to reward active participants in the game, skillful or not. During a given Season, Players earn Leaderboard Points🏆 through the completion of certain in-game Actions that fall under Leaderboard Action Categories. These Actions are scored Leaderboard Points🏆 based on their expenditure of Energy⚡ or some similar metric. Leaderboard Action Categories are also scaled by a Bonus🎁 multiplier which may factor in: WOOL💰 spent on the type of Action, Risk💀, and the Shep’s Kiss😘 (a multiplier assigned by The Shepherd to tune numbers and/or incentivize certain play). Note that Leaderboard Action Categories, scoring methodology, and Bonus🎁 multipliers are subject to change from Season to Season.
Leaderboard Rewards
Seasonal Leaderboards pay out all participants. Players will earn a percentage of WOOL from the total Leaderboard Prize Pool offered for a given Season. This percentage is based off of the Player’s share of Leaderboard Points🏆 compared to the sum of Leaderboard Points🏆 earned by all Players. For example, Player A earned 1,000 Leaderboard Points🏆. The sum of Leaderboard Points🏆 earned by all Players was 100,000. This means Player A earned 1% of the total Leaderboard Points🏆 and will earn 1% of the Leaderboard Prize Pool. The Prize Pool for Seasonal Leaderboards shall be disclosed before the Season begins and may be sourced from Farm recirculation, Community Rewards, and/or The Shepherd's Pouch. The majority of the Leaderboard’s WOOL Prize shall be attempted to be sourced from the ever-growing Farm recirculation Pool. After the Season, Players will be able to claim their WOOL winnings in the form of a Wool Pouch.
Season 0: Season of Loyalty
100 million WOOL
Season 1: Season of Revelation
100 million WOOL
Season 2: ???
THIS IS THE CURRENTLY ACTIVE SEASON. The theme for Season 1 is REVELATION. Season 1 introduces Shiny Boxes📦 that can be acquired in various ways, such as being discovered while Gathering as a Sheep🐑, Looted from Sheep🐑 as a Wolf🐺, bought from other Players, and won in Peak Tournaments.
Season 1 Leaderboard Updates
Leaderboard Action Categories in Season 1 continue to reward players who actively participate in the Valley Game and the Peak Games.
Valley Game Leaderboard Action Category Changes
Sheep🐑: Gathering
2.25x -> 2.5x
Sheep🐑: Breeding
1.5x -> 1x
Sheep🐑: Energy Recharged
0.25x (Unchanged)
Sheep🐑: Butchering
1x -> 2x
Wolf🐺: Looting
6x -> 6.5x
Wolf🐺: Stealing
2.625x (Unchanged)
Wolf🐺: Sabotaging
6x -> 5x
Wolf🐺: Energy Recharged
0.3x (Unchanged)
Wolf🐺: Breeding
2.625x -> 2x
Player: Resources Spent on Community Silo upgrades
4x (Unchanged)
New Valley Game Leaderboard Action Categories
Wolf🐺: Sacrificing
Max Energy⚡ of the Sacrificed Wolf🐑 * Alpha Score^2
Player: Resources Spent on Upgrading Structure to Level 4
Resources Spent*
Player: Resources Spent on Upgrading Structure to Level 5
Resources Spent*
Player: Resources Spent on Upgrading Structure to Level 6
Resources Spent*
Player: Resources Spent on Upgrading Structure to Level 7
Resources Spent*
Some practical examples below:
A Player Sacrifices a Gen 0 Alpha 5 Wolf.
They earn 50,000 Points🏆. A Player Sacrifices a Gen 2 Alpha 7 Wolf with 1,200 Max Energy⚡. They earn 58,800 Points🏆.
Peak Game Leaderboard Action Categories
Peak: Base Match Played
3x (Unchanged)
Peak: Slope Match Played
4x (Unchanged)
Peak: Summit Match Played
5x (Unchanged)
Peak: Base Match Opted
1x -> 0x
Peak: Slope Match Opted
1x -> 0x
Peak: Summit Match Opted
1x -> 0x
Discover Shiny Boxes
When Gathering, a Sheep🐑 may discover a Shiny Box📦. The chances of discovering a Shiny Box📦 depend on several factors:
The combined Community Silo levels of the Community in which the Sheep🐑 is gathering.
Communities compete over this discovery chance enhancement, meaning that a higher level Community will benefit from fewer high level Communities on The Farm.
The longer a Sheep🐑 is Gathering, the higher their discovery chance.
Thousands of Shiny Boxes📦 are distributed to Sheep🐑 Farm-wide daily, but more valuable items are increasingly rare. Sheep🐑 are given indication when Shiny Boxes📦 are discovered. After successfully claiming Resources during Gathering, any Shiny Boxes📦 that have been discovered will be claimed. Note that more than one Shiny Box📦 can be found and stacked within a single Gathering action. Wolf🐺 Looters are unaware of the amount of Shiny Boxes📦 a Sheep🐑 currently holds. When Looted, a Wolf🐺 automatically steals all Shiny Boxes📦 held by the Looted Sheep🐑 with ease, regardless of the Looting Minigame outcome. Shiny Boxes📦 may also be earned by Landowners as described below, and distributed through other means in the future, including via the participation of Peak Games, and more. Shiny Boxes: Landowners
After 100 Shiny Boxes📦 are found by Sheep🐑 in a Community, an amount of Shiny Boxes📦 are discovered by the Landowners of that Community equivalent to the sum of its Silo Levels. These Shiny Boxes📦 are entered into a raffle for Landowners to receive, weighted more towards Players who have contributed the most Resources to the Resource Silos in that Community. Note that in the context of these Shiny Box📦 raffles, the tracked Silo contributions made by Players are reset at the start of each Season.
Shiny Box Contents
Players see the number of Shiny Boxes📦 they own in their Resources Bar, and clicking on their icon allows Players to view their Shiny Box📦 Inventory, which contains both unrevealed Shiny Boxes📦 and usable Shiny Items that were once contained within them. When unboxed, a Shiny Box📦 rewards Players with its contents by crediting Players directly, or by rewarding them with a usable item. The contents are randomly determined, and content types have varying rarities. Only a handful of “Jackpot” items may be found Farm-wide daily, while some “Super Jackpot” items may have very few, if any, found weekly. The following is a list of Shiny Box📦 Contents at the launch of the Season of Revelation:
Many Shiny Boxes📦 were accidentally packed with useless items such as Farmer Ron’s beard trimmings.
WOOL in small quantities can be commonly found. WOOL in larger quantities is a Rare find. This WOOL is automatically added to your in-game wallet after unboxing.
GRASS, WOOD, WATER, and STONE in small quantities can be commonly found. Resources in larger quantities are a Rare find. These Resources are automatically added to your in-game wallet after unboxing.
Leaderboard Points🏆
Leaderboard Points🏆 in small quantities can be commonly found. Leaderboard Points🏆 in larger quantities are a Rare find. These Leaderboard Points🏆 are automatically added to your Seasonal Leaderboard Points🏆 after unboxing.
Peak Voucher
Peak Vouchers can be found, allowing Players to play a Peak Game for free. Peak Vouchers are automatically added to your account upon unboxing.
Fast Travel Pass
When the Fast Travel Pass is used, any number of a Player’s Sheep🐑 or Wolves🐺 may travel to any Community freely without any WOOL or Energy⚡ costs. This Item persists in a Player’s Inventory until used.
Free Farmer Ability
A Free Farmer Ability Item allows Players to select this Item wherever an Add Farmer action would normally be found, such as during Gathering or Sheep🐑 Breeding. The Farmer Ability’s magnitude reflects that of an Average Joe. This Item persists in a Player’s Inventory until used.
The Siphon Item allows Sheep🐑 and Wolves🐺 to deploy a nefarious device that steals a portion of a Land’s claimed taxes for 14 days. If a Landowner does not claim a Siphoned Land’s taxes, instead of any Resources being burnt, they will instead be redirected to Siphoners. A Siphoning animal may not take actions until the Siphon concludes or is canceled by its user. Animals have different Siphoning effectiveness depending on their type, which determines the percent of taxes they will steal. From lowest to highest effectiveness: Sheep🐑, Black Sheep🐑, A5, A6, A7, and A8 Wolves🐺. If more than one animal is Siphoning a Land, their Siphoned amounts are distributed among all animals, weighted by their effectiveness. This Item persists in a Player’s Inventory until used.
Gen 2 Sheep Orphan
When a Gen 2 Sheep Orphan is found, the Player will be able to mint a new Gen 2 Sheep🐑 with randomized traits and a Max Energy⚡ of 375-500. This Item persists in a Player’s Inventory until used.
Valley: Structure Remodel
The Structure Remodel Item allows Players with a Valley Structure to swap between a Barn and a Bathhouse freely. The Level of the Structure is unchanged. This Item persists in a Player’s Inventory until used.
Super Jackpot
Peak: Structure Remodel
The Structure Remodel Item allows Players with a Peak Structure to swap between a Den and a Bathhouse freely. The Level of the Structure is unchanged. This Item persists in a Player’s Inventory until used.
Super Jackpot
The above reflects the list of Shiny Box Contents discoverable at the launch of the Season of Revelation. Contents and rarities are subject to change during the Season. Shiny Box Market and Economy
At Season 1 launch, Shiny Boxes📦 can be bought and listed for sale in an in-game Box Market, priced in WOOL. Note that all Shiny Box📦 sales incur a 5% WOOL fee added to its listing price. These fees are recirculated and burned according to the current ratios listed in the Woolpaper or changed through WOOL Governance voting. Once unboxed, Shiny Boxes📦 cannot be listed on the Box Market. During Season 1, a Shiny Item Market will become available for buying and listing Shiny Items for sale.
Pelts & Wolf Sacrifice
At last, Pelts arrive on The Farm starting in the Season of Revelation and can be acquired through the sacrifice of Wolves🐺. The number of Pelts acquired in this method is determined by the following formula:
Pelts = (Wolf🐺 Max Energy⚡ / 1000) * Wolf🐺 Alpha Score As an exception to the above formula, the sacrifice of an Alpha 8 Wolf returns [REDACTED] Pelts. High-End Structure Levels
Launching with the Season of Revelation are the addition of 4 new Structure Levels for each type of Structure. Each new Structure Level enhances the existing utility of current Structures, and some Structures beyond Level 3 offer new and exciting features. Note that the listed Resource Cost values for Level 4-7 Structures represent the starting values at the launch of the Season of Revelation. However, these Structure Costs may change over time due to them being subject to Variable Rate Gradual Dutch Auction (VRGDA) mechanics. While 100% of Resources spent upgrading Level 1-3 Structures are burned, a small percentage of Resources and Pelts spent on Level 4+ Structure Upgrades are being set aside for [REDACTED].
Starting with Level 4 Barns, when Breeding, there is a chance that the offspring is a Wolf🐺 instead of a Sheep🐑. These Wolves🐺 are born with randomized traits and 599 Max Energy⚡.
WOOL: 2,000 STONE: 500 WOOD: 2,000
WOOL: 2,000 STONE: 1,000 WOOD: 4,000
WOOL: 2,000 STONE: 1,625 WOOD: 6,500
WOOL: 35,000 PELTS: 2 STONE: 30,000 WOOD: 100,000
A5 - 1%
WOOL: 75,000 PELTS: 3 STONE: 60,000 WOOD: 250,000
A5 - 2.5%
WOOL: 200,000 PELTS: 5 STONE: 150,000 WOOD: 500,000
A5 - 5% A6 - 0.5%
WOOL: 500,000 PELTS: 6 STONE: 300,000 WOOD: 750,000
A5 - 10% A6 - 1% A7 - 0.069%
* VRGDA mechanics may raise or lower costs.
When Breeding, there is a chance that the Gen 2 Wolf🐺 is produced with Upgrades added to their predetermined Alpha Score. This chance is influenced by the Alpha Score of the parents. If the outcome of an Upgraded Breed would produce an A8, it instead produces a Twin Gen 2 Wolf🐺 with 598 Max Energy⚡, an 89% chance of being an A5, a 10% chance of being an A6, and a 1% chance of being an A7. The twin is “fraternal”; its traits are randomized.
WOOL: 2,000 STONE: 1,000 WOOD: 4,000
WOOL: 2,000 STONE: 3,000 WOOD: 12,000
WOOL: 2,000 STONE: 4,875 WOOD: 19,500
WOOL: 250,000 PELTS:10 STONE: 200,000 WOOD: 500,000 CHOPS: 50
WOOL: 500,000 PELTS: 15 STONE: 400,000 WOOD: 1,000,000 CHOPS: 100
WOOL: 1,000,000 PELTS: 20 STONE: 800,000 WOOD: 1,500,000 CHOPS: 500
WOOL: 2,000,000 PELTS: 30 STONE: 1,000,000 WOOD: 2,000,000 CHOPS: 1000
Level 4 Den: Alpha Upgrade / Twin Chances
5% A6 1% A7
10% A6 2.5% A7
5% A7
7.5% A7
10% A6 2.5% A7
5% A7
7.5% A7
2.5% TWIN
5% A7
7.5% A7
2.5% TWIN
7.5% A7
2.5% TWIN
10% TWIN
Level 5 Den: Alpha Upgrade / Twin Chances
10% A6 3% A7
20% A6 5% A7
7.5% A7
10% A7
20% A6 5% A7
7.5% A7
10% A7
7.5% A7
10% A7
10% TWIN
10% A7
10% TWIN
25% TWIN
Level 6 Den: Alpha Upgrade / Twin Chances
15% A6 5% A7
25% A6 7.5% A7
10% A7
15% A7
25% A6 7.55% A7
10% A7
15% A7
7.5% TWIN
10% A7
15% A7
7.5% TWIN
15% TWIN
15% A7
7.5% TWIN
15% TWIN
33% TWIN
Level 7 Den: Alpha Upgrade / Twin Chances
30% A6 10% A7
50% A6 15% A7
25% A7
33% A7
50% A6 15% A7
25% A7
33% A7
25% TWIN
25% A7
33% A7
25% TWIN
40% TWIN
33% A7
25% TWIN
40% TWIN
69% TWIN
Farm Bathhouses / Jughouses
Starting at Level 7, Farm Bathhouses no longer require their water to be drained in order to fill Jugs, simultaneously allowing bathing guests while producing Jugs daily.
WOOL: 2,000 STONE: 500 WATER: 2,500
40 / 25⚡
WOOL: 2,000 STONE: 1,000 WATER: 5,000
30 / 34⚡
WOOL: 2,000 STONE: 1,625 WATER: 8,125
27 / 38⚡
WOOL: 10,000 PELTS: 0.5 STONE: 5,000 WATER: 25,000
24 / 43⚡
WOOL: 15,000 PELTS: 1 STONE: 15,000 WATER: 50,000
21 / 49⚡
WOOL: 30,000 PELTS: 1.5 STONE: 50,000 WATER: 100,000
19 / 54⚡
WOOL: 100,000 PELTS: 2 STONE: 100,000 WATER: 200,000
18 / 57⚡
* VRGDA mechanics may raise or lower costs.
Peak Bathhouses / Jughouses
Similar to Farm Bathhouses, starting at Level 7 Peak Bathhouses no longer require their water to be drained in order to fill Jugs, simultaneously allowing bathing guests while producing Jugs daily.
WOOL: 2,000 STONE: 1,000 WATER: 5,000
10 / 200⚡
WOOL: 2,000 STONE: 3,000 WATER: 15,000
8 / 250⚡
WOOL: 2,000 STONE: 4,875 WATER: 24,375
6 / 334⚡
WOOL: 50,000 PELTS: 1 STONE: 50,000 WATER: 75,000 CHOPS: 5
5 / 400⚡
WOOL: 100,000 PELTS: 2 STONE: 100,000 WATER: 200,000 CHOPS: 10
4 / 500⚡
WOOL: 200,000 PELTS: 3 STONE: 250,000 WATER: 500,000 CHOPS: 20
3 / 667⚡
WOOL: 500,000 PELTS: 5 STONE: 500,000 WATER: 1,000,000 CHOPS: 50
3 / 667⚡
* VRGDA mechanics may raise or lower costs.
Starting in Season 1, Peak Landowners compete upon a specialized Leaderboard for a Peak Land WOOL Reward Pool. For Season 1, this shall be 15M WOOL. The Peak Land Leaderboard mimics the Seasonal Leaderboard with some exceptions:
Only Peak Landowners receive Peak Land Leaderboard Points🏆 towards the Peak Land Leaderboard.
Peak Lands provide a Bonus Multiplier towards a Player’s final score. This multiplier is additive, meaning that if a Player owns several Peak Lands, their multipliers are added before being applied as a bonus. See the below table for details.
The Peak Lands multiplier factors in the ownership of the Peak Land by a Player over the course of the Season. For example, if a Player holds the Peak Land in their wallet for half the Season, they only receive half its stated multiplier.
A practical example: a Player owns two Peak Level 1 Lands for the entirety of the Season and a Peak Level 2 Land for half of the Season. The Level 1 Lands total a 2x multiplier, and the Level 2 Land totals a 1.3x multiplier. That Player’s total Peak Land Bonus Multiplier for the Season is a total of 3.3x.
A Player’s final score is square rooted at the end of the calculation to ensure better mathematical fairness while still rewarding players for owning multiple Peak Lands.
The Peak is the Land of the Wolves🐺. As such, both Peak Games and Wolf🐺 Leaderboard Action Categories gain an additional bonus on the Peak Land Leaderboard.
Peak Level 1
Peak Level 2
Peak Level 3
Peak Games Action Category Bonus
Wolf🐺 Action Category Bonus
Similarly to the Seasonal Leaderboards, Players will be able to claim their Peak Land Leaderboard WOOL Rewards in WOOL Pouch form at the conclusion of the Season. Peak Lands also benefit from occasionally receiving gifts from a mysterious benefactor.
The theme for Season 0 is LOYALTY. Leaderboard Action Categories in the Season of Loyalty aim to reward players who actively participated in the Valley Game (activities that center around gathering/looting/stealing/breeding, as well as economic and Community gameplay), and the Peak Games.
Valley Game Leaderboard Action Categories
Sheep🐑: Gathering
10 + 2.5 per day of Gathering
Sheep🐑: Breeding
550 + Final Max Energy⚡️ of the Gen 2 Sheep🐑*
Sheep🐑: Energy Recharged
Energy⚡️ Recharged
Sheep🐑: Butchering
Max Energy⚡️ of the Butchered Sheep🐑
Wolf🐺: Looting
Energy⚡️ spent Looting
Wolf🐺: Stealing
Energy⚡️ spent Stealing**
Wolf🐺: Sabotaging
Energy⚡️ spent Sabotaging
Wolf🐺: Energy Recharged
Energy⚡️ Recharged
Wolf🐺: Breeding
Player: Resources Spent on Community Silo Upgrades
Chops🥩 Spent***
* Energy⚡️ value is still added even if Breeding failed at any point due to a Steal.** Energy⚡ value is still added even if Stealing failed due to Farmer Protection.*** Resources->Points🏆 are calculated using the average value of Resources->CHOPS🥩 by analyzing all AMM swaps over the Season. For purposes of Leaderboard Points🏆, CHOPS🥩 spent are deemed a sufficiently equivalent metric to Energy⚡ spent due to the fact that Butchering a Sheep🐑 provides CHOPS🥩 equivalent to its Max Energy⚡. Note that this data did not begin tracking until 1/20/23, all other data began tracking from the launch of the game on 12/22/22. Note that for Delegation, currently all Leaderboard Points🏆 from Actions are earned by the animal’s owner, excepting Actions that are tied to a Structure usage fee paid by the delegate. Peak Game Leaderboard Action Categories
Peak: Base Match Played
Peak: Slope Match Played
Peak: Summit Match Played
Peak: Base Match Opted
Peak: Slope Match Opted
Peak: Summit Match Opted
Some practical examples below
A Player Opts into and plays 1 Summit Match. They earn 6,000 Points🏆.
A Player Opts into and plays 1 Slope Match. They earn 500 Points🏆.
A Player Opts into and plays 1 Base Match. They earn 40 Points🏆.
A Player Opts into a Summit Match, however isn't matched. They still earn 1,000 Points🏆.
A Player Opts into a Summit Match, but is cascaded to play a Base Match. They earn a total of 1,030 Points🏆 (1,000 from the Summit Opt, 30 from the played Base Match)
Last updated